Sunday, November 30, 2008

Caydee's Birthday Party

We had a Princess Tea Party for Caydee's Birthday. It was so fun! Caydee asked for all of her friends to dress up like princesses and then wouldn't put hers on or let me do her hair, but I figured I wouldn't make a big fuss. All of her friends looked great and she had a fun time even without her costume. We had pink cinnamon rolls with purple frosting and set up a tea party with my china in the dining room. After we ate the cinnamon rolls, we played princess "freeze dance", "pin the crown on the princess", and "pass the pup" (a game like hot potatoe). Then we opened presents and all of the girls played with Caydee's new toys until it was time to go home. We cleaned up and then went out as a family to dinner to celebrate. The next day, Sunday, was her actuall birthday. We gave her all of her presents from us and Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter came over to visit and give her their presents. It was like Christmas! She was definately spoiled this year!!!
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Halloween Princess

Caydee was a princess for Halloween. I am afraid I didn't get pictures of the other 2. I was going to have Les take pictures of them in their costumes, but I just haven't gotten around to it, yet. Ashlee was a cat and Aleks was Harry Potter.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Touching bases

I thought I better change from Halloween and get with the times. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!! I'll try to find some time to download Caydee's B-day and Ashlee's school play. We had a blast! More to come..........