Saturday, December 27, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Okay, so I haven't had time to breathe, let alone sit and work on my blog. But, today I am doing it anyway. After Ashlee's play we had band concerts, Singing Stars concerts, piano recitals, and lots of parties to get ready for and attend. I am so glad that our days are calming down and we can just sit and relax! Christmas was a hit! We heard from each of the kids "This was the BEST Christmas EVER!" Our house looked like a tornado hit it, but boy was it a fun mess to play in. Before Christmas, Les and I sang in a recital. We were both petrified! I was almost in tears before it began, but we both pulled through and DID IT! It was the first time that I have ever performed in front of anyone and it just might be the last, but I accomplished something that I never thought that I would do. Before the recital, Les gave me a "Willow Tree" Angel of Courage and a letter to go along with it. I bawled my eyes out, I was so touched!
We have had a ton of snow fall in the past week. On Christmas Eve day, we heard a helicopter and saw that life flight had landed in the parking lot at the church in front of our house. What a tragedy! There was an avalanche and two men were killed. Aleks was very emotional over the whole thing, and I have banned Doug from snowmobiling this year.
On a happier note, the kids are out of school until January 5 and I am loving every moment of the time I get to spend with them. Doug also gave me some money to buy some digital sscrapbooking software and I can't wait to try it out! Kids our calling, gotta go play............

1 comment:

Les said...

We're SO brave! haha! The kids look like they had a GREAT Christmas!