Saturday, April 25, 2009


Yeah, we had some sunshine for a while! I can't wait until that sunshine stays. It's April 25th and it's snowing! As I type this, Caydee is putting on her coat because she is "FREEZING!" Thankfully the snow isn't sticking. We had some nice weather for Spring vacation and had a lot of fun with our Spring Celebrations. We don't do Easter baskets. Instead we celebrate Spring and new beginnings. This year we recieved gifts, went to the movies, had a "candy bag hunt" (as Caydee called it), decorated eggs, and got kites from daddy. We had a blast.

1 comment:

Charleen said...

Whow, Doug, they are awesome kites. Wish I was there to see the kids fly them.
Got you Skype message Em. We will have to connect!