Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Re-cap of last little while

The end of the school year was a pretty busy time for us. Ashlee and Aleks both had a lot of "end of year" school activities. Ashlee did a Math Fair, earned a trip to see a special showing of the movie "Up", recieved awards and trophies at two separate awards ceremonies for both of her schools, and paticipated in a Civil War re-enactment on the last day of school. Aleks had parties, math celebrations, etc... I was also recruited to do face painting at "Super Kids Day". I made the mistake of letting one of the boys choose what he wanted me to do, instead of choosing a stamp. He asked for a fire breathing dragon. I did my best and then spent the next couple of hours with a huge line of kids all wanting the same thing. Oh well, it was still fun. After school got out we took a breather and had some fun going to the Providence 150 year celebration. We went to a movie at Zollingers Park, complete with free popcorn and glow necklaces from Stadium 8 Theater. It was great laying out under the stars having a night out with the kids. The next day we went to a little carnival with blow up slides, a climbing wall, a man who did balloon animals, a magic show, and jumping houses. After all our fun, we started in on our summer schedule of reading and math, chores, and play, play, play....... The kids aren't exactly thrilled that we are making them keep up on their studies, but they'll thank us later:) All the kids started swimming lessons last night. They start at 5:20pm, so our schedule will a little messed up for the next two weeks. Eating dinner at 4:00 is pretty interesting. But what do you do? With free-swim right after lessons we don't get home until 8:30. Ashlee and Aleks are in the same group and they both did quite well. After Caydee got water up her nose, sticking her face in the water wasn't happening. The teacher finally coaxed her back into the water, but she wouldn't put her face in. We'll see how it goes, tonight.

1 comment:

Charleen said...

Thanks for the update. Congrats go to Ashlee for the awards! Keep up the good work kids, someday you will be glad your mom was such a task master.

Love to you all!