Monday, November 7, 2011

I am so frustrated!  I have been trying to get blogger on my phone, but nothing is going right :(

I need to get off the computer...the time just flies by when I sit down.  So much to do today, but I'll just take it one step at time.  Here's a picture of my last 2 favorite crafts I've done.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I did it...

It took me 3 days, but I managed to get everything done on my list. It will last a few hours and I'll start all over again, but I'm taking great satisfaction in getting all the way through a to-do list. Doug went off snowmobiling and his boss called wanting us to go out to dinner with him and his wife.....could prove to be quite interesting......maybe Doug should take his time.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today started out with me not wanting to get out of bed to face my day. I am so overwhelmed with keeping up with everything and everyone that needs attending to. I said a little prayer and got to work. In the end, I didn't get everything done, but the world didn't end and I'll just keep plugging away, tomorrow. I got to watch my niece, today. She is quite the mover, but we had a great time. We colored, played Kinectimals, played on the computer, had tea parties, snacks, visited with her uncle.......well, you get the idea. I also actually got a workout in. Tomorrow I will do all of my volunteer work for the schools and Bridgerland Literacy, and hopefully completely dismantle, re-organize, and clean my 7 year old's room. Oh, yeah.....don't forget the laundry, meals, bathrooms, homework, piano practices, math program, exercise.....It's all doable, right?

Has it Really been a WHOLE Year!

Life is going by way too quickly! I looked at the pictures and couldn't believe that they were from last year's snow! Okay, I have to start doing better at keeping up on things. Ashlee is in 7th grade. Aleks is in 5th. And Caydee is in 1st grade. There is just too much to recap, so I will just start to post recent happenings from here on out.