Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today started out with me not wanting to get out of bed to face my day. I am so overwhelmed with keeping up with everything and everyone that needs attending to. I said a little prayer and got to work. In the end, I didn't get everything done, but the world didn't end and I'll just keep plugging away, tomorrow. I got to watch my niece, today. She is quite the mover, but we had a great time. We colored, played Kinectimals, played on the computer, had tea parties, snacks, visited with her uncle.......well, you get the idea. I also actually got a workout in. Tomorrow I will do all of my volunteer work for the schools and Bridgerland Literacy, and hopefully completely dismantle, re-organize, and clean my 7 year old's room. Oh, yeah.....don't forget the laundry, meals, bathrooms, homework, piano practices, math program, exercise.....It's all doable, right?

1 comment:

Cami said...

You are amazing Em!! Find some time for yourself in there. ;) I'm so happy to see a post from you!