Tuesday, October 28, 2008

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After asking Doug for a week if I could take him out to lunch, we finally found some time that we both had a minute to breathe. I called my visiting teacher spur of the moment to watch Caydee and dragged Doug to The Iron Gate Grill for lunch. It was great to go out without any kids in tow and just talk. When we got back, I went to pick up Caydee and ended out talking for hours with my new neighbor and my visiting teacher. It was so fun to talk to adults today. I love my children, but sometimes I love to have some adult conversation and fun. I went to Junior High and High School with the girl that just moved in. It will be nice to get to know her better than I did when we were younger. She's very social and is already talking about planning some girls' nights and some nieghborhood get-togethers.
Doug is starting to finish our basement. I was very impressed with his work. I can't wait until it's done. Doug says that it will take a while, but I'm just excited that at least it's started. Doug framed in most of the basement in only 2 days! He's amazing! Now he's having to deal with the ventilation system. What a nightmare! I don't think the people who built this house did much of anything right. I'm just grateful that Doug knows how to fix it all, and if he doesn't he figures it out.
Jennifer came over with her boys for a vistit, today. The kids had a lot of fun and I think Jenn did, too. Ashlee made a volcano for school and it became "their" project. It turned out awsome!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Just Venting........

It seems that our family is destined to be sick forever. It seems every two weeks one of the kids is puking their guts out. Doug got sick, then me, then Ashlee, then Aleks, then Caydee, and then it started all over again. Then there's the coughing, coughing, and more coughing. I cracked a rib, I coughed so hard. Doug is freaking out. With his germ phobia, he's in a living nightmare. Help!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, enough venting.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Changes in Bishopric

Today in Sacrament Meeting our Bishopric was changed. I was a little surprised at the new councelors. They released Brother Moore and Brother Jorgenson and put in Brother Nixon and Brother Daines. Brother Daines I could see. Brother Nixon, I was a little surprised at. He came into Primary and gave a message in opening exercises. It was then that I knew that he is up to the calling. He has a gentle and loving spirit about him and I can honestly say that I can sustain both of the new bishopric members. We will all be blessed to have them. Today was also a wonderful day for my spirit as well. I came away from church today with a peace that I haven't felt for a long time. God really does live and he listens to and answers our humble prayers.

Aleks' Birthday!!!!!

Yesterday, Oct. 11, was Aleks' 9th Birthday! We had a blast! It was a little chaotic, but we had fun. We played Win, Lose, or Sculpt, Whoopie Cushion Relays, and Fill up your Tank. Then we opened presents and had cake and ice cream. Ashlee helped me decorated the cake. We made a skateboard out of two loaf pans and some chocolate doughnuts for wheels. I think it turned out pretty cute! I was so grateful to Ashlee for being my party helper. I think I would have gone a little nuts without her! After the party Aleks had fun on the computer with two of his friends while I cleaned up after the nine little tornadoes that whent through the house! After things were all cleaned up, I called Doug out of hiding (he had escaped the tornadoes and went to his friend's house to play video games), Aleks opened all his presents from us, and we went out to dinner. It was a great day! Oh, I can't forget to write about the beginning of my day. I went to an American Mother's Mini-Conference with my mom and got to see my very dear friend Amy. She sang some songs from her new C.D. with her sisters. I am so glad I got to see her. I can't wait until I can see her under circumstances that we can actually hang out and talk. I miss her tons.