Sunday, October 12, 2008

Aleks' Birthday!!!!!

Yesterday, Oct. 11, was Aleks' 9th Birthday! We had a blast! It was a little chaotic, but we had fun. We played Win, Lose, or Sculpt, Whoopie Cushion Relays, and Fill up your Tank. Then we opened presents and had cake and ice cream. Ashlee helped me decorated the cake. We made a skateboard out of two loaf pans and some chocolate doughnuts for wheels. I think it turned out pretty cute! I was so grateful to Ashlee for being my party helper. I think I would have gone a little nuts without her! After the party Aleks had fun on the computer with two of his friends while I cleaned up after the nine little tornadoes that whent through the house! After things were all cleaned up, I called Doug out of hiding (he had escaped the tornadoes and went to his friend's house to play video games), Aleks opened all his presents from us, and we went out to dinner. It was a great day! Oh, I can't forget to write about the beginning of my day. I went to an American Mother's Mini-Conference with my mom and got to see my very dear friend Amy. She sang some songs from her new C.D. with her sisters. I am so glad I got to see her. I can't wait until I can see her under circumstances that we can actually hang out and talk. I miss her tons.

1 comment:

Charleen said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Aleks! Hope you received the gifts that you wanted.