Sunday, October 12, 2008

Changes in Bishopric

Today in Sacrament Meeting our Bishopric was changed. I was a little surprised at the new councelors. They released Brother Moore and Brother Jorgenson and put in Brother Nixon and Brother Daines. Brother Daines I could see. Brother Nixon, I was a little surprised at. He came into Primary and gave a message in opening exercises. It was then that I knew that he is up to the calling. He has a gentle and loving spirit about him and I can honestly say that I can sustain both of the new bishopric members. We will all be blessed to have them. Today was also a wonderful day for my spirit as well. I came away from church today with a peace that I haven't felt for a long time. God really does live and he listens to and answers our humble prayers.

1 comment:

Les said...

I'm so glad you had such a good day yesterday! I'm excited about the Cosmo Cricket stuff too!