Tuesday, October 28, 2008

After asking Doug for a week if I could take him out to lunch, we finally found some time that we both had a minute to breathe. I called my visiting teacher spur of the moment to watch Caydee and dragged Doug to The Iron Gate Grill for lunch. It was great to go out without any kids in tow and just talk. When we got back, I went to pick up Caydee and ended out talking for hours with my new neighbor and my visiting teacher. It was so fun to talk to adults today. I love my children, but sometimes I love to have some adult conversation and fun. I went to Junior High and High School with the girl that just moved in. It will be nice to get to know her better than I did when we were younger. She's very social and is already talking about planning some girls' nights and some nieghborhood get-togethers.
Doug is starting to finish our basement. I was very impressed with his work. I can't wait until it's done. Doug says that it will take a while, but I'm just excited that at least it's started. Doug framed in most of the basement in only 2 days! He's amazing! Now he's having to deal with the ventilation system. What a nightmare! I don't think the people who built this house did much of anything right. I'm just grateful that Doug knows how to fix it all, and if he doesn't he figures it out.
Jennifer came over with her boys for a vistit, today. The kids had a lot of fun and I think Jenn did, too. Ashlee made a volcano for school and it became "their" project. It turned out awsome!

1 comment:

Charleen said...

I hate to remind you, but I remember what a very clever husband you had following the flood of 2002. He can do anything he sets his mind to.